Wednesday 3 August 2011

The fall of woman

I wrote this after reading ‘captivating’ by Stasi and John Elderidge, for the second time. I felt a real burden on my heart to write this and to portray what God really intended for woman. She is the finale of creation, a reflection of God’s own beautiful heart, but is so run down, so torn apart, so attacked that she is unable to reflect God as she was intended. And all of this began at the edge of creation, when one jealous angel attacked a vulnerable woman, and her husband stood to the side. Since this moment in time, women everywhere have felt this tug on their heart, ‘I’m wounded, incomplete, not worth the effort of saving.’ I wanted to show how every woman feels this and steps into the world feeling a lone, feeling rejected and feeling not good enough. But even in this fallen world woman still portrays God’s beauty over creation, her physical form, her nurturing spirit, her desire for relationship, all reflect the image of God.


Spoke into the darkness,
Created their life,
God’s image in all its glory;
A radiant smile,
A warm look in her eyes,
A wisdom unknown to men.
A kind, gentle heart,
A nurturing form,
An instinct to rival no other.
The crown of creation,
The finger print of God,
His beauty bestowed upon her.
The giver of life,
The keeper of life,
A joy within her heart.
A love for relation,
A desire for companion,
A reflection of God’s Holy order.

A beautiful angel,
The splendour of God,
Fallen to the pit of sin.
A jealous creation,
A fight for glory,
a desire to satisfy within.
An attack on beauty,
A destroyer of life,
A liar to her vulnerable soul.
A desire to be her,
To restore his position,
To be the gem of Yahweh’s eye.

A knot in her stomach,
A plea in her eye,
A desperation to be understood.
A need to be loved,
A longing for perfection,
A yearning to be protected.
He stood to the side,
Soaked it all up,
But did nothing for her fragile heart.
A vengeful serpant,
A lie to her heart,
A vulnerable, desolate soul.
A fruit like no other,
A quivering hand,
A mouthful of death and destruction.

A world torn apart,
Evicted from life,
As darkness consumes all creation.
Penetrated by sin,
A feast for the serpent,
A broken infected souls.
She cowers alone,
With fear and with sorrow,
She collapses wounded and broken.
A tear in her eye,
A scabbed over heart,
Her beauty torn from within.
She picks herself up,
And dusts herself off,
Walks into the darkness of night.
A raw mixed up heart,
A cross to bear,
A taste of hell within.
She enters the world alone and rejected,
Unaware of the story she tells.

A beautiful maiden,
The crown of creation,
The prince who left her there.
She lives every day,
Wounded and scared,
Unsure of the treasure within.
The giver of life,
A reflection of beauty reluctantly escaping her heart.
Within the walls she built,
To protect herself,
God’s glory seeps through the cracks.
Dripping over the world,
Penetrating one’s heart,
She reveals and inexplicable wonder.
Spoken into the darkness,
Creator of life,
God’s image in all her glory.